But it’s got an 11

August 12, 2009 at 5:39 pm 2 comments

| Gabriel |


StataCorp cronies like Jeremy may have gotten it weeks ago, but mere end-users like me had to wait a bit longer. This looks to be a significant upgrade (especially for Windows users, who now have a good integrated do-file editor). In particular I wish I had access to the new “factor variables” syntax (as a replacement for “xi”) a few weeks ago. Likewise the new stcrreg model (think an st version of mlogit) looks very good.

A few words on a smooth upgrade. First, remember to reload your ado files.

Also, remember to update any scripts in your text editor so it knows where to push. In TextMate hit control-command-option-B to invoke the script editor. Scroll down to “Stata” and edit the scripts “Send File to Stata” and “Send Selection to Stata.” In each script the key line is

osascript -e "tell application \"StataMP\"

If this line doesn’t refer to your current version of Stata, change it.

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  • 1. Elizabeth  |  August 12, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    The factor variables syntax makes me envious.

  • 2. mike3550  |  August 12, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    Wow! Even just reading the odds and ends category, it seems like this version is going to be a whole lot better. Not to mention the built-in text editor, though I do love Notepad++.

    One thing that I have been terrible at doing, but realize that I should do more is version-control all of my .do files. I do it for any .ado files that I use, but generally forget this good practice on .do files.

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